WORDLESS WEDNESDAY – "Frozen here, on the ladder of my life…"

by Katie Gomez on May 5, 2010

in Uncategorized

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1 Linsey May 5, 2010

Somewhere… beyond the sea … there’s frozen shrimp waiting for meeeeeee!!!!

Shrimp cocktail anyone?


2 Katie Pizzuto May 5, 2010

No thanks, LOL, see the freezer burn on these things? Esp. bottom left. I can’t believe anyone would want to buy these…snapped the photo in a supermarket near me. I was mortified that they’d try to sell these. EWWWW.


3 Linsey May 5, 2010

Yeah I did, but I love shrimp or prawns, and it kind of has a seashore tone in colours.


4 castello2 May 5, 2010

The test kitchen suggests we buy only frozen farm raised shrimp anymore. I bought a bag a while back and they looked kind of like that. Ugly.


5 Coupe 60 May 5, 2010

Obviously not BP brand Gulf shrimp…as they are only served with an oil glaze…


6 Katie Pizzuto May 5, 2010

I get ’em fresh from a fish market or I don’t get ’em. Only thing I’ll buy frozen for is shrimp cocktail cuz people drown them in cocktail sauce anyway so subtle flavors are nixed!


7 Linsey May 5, 2010

in the UK we have little tiny shrimp and when i was a child my family used to buy these shrimp by the pint.

We use to break the tail off, the head off and eat the middle – shell, body, legs, even eggs – in one go.

Absolutely yummy


8 Don May 6, 2010

I gotta go get lunch!


9 Smokenmirrors May 9, 2010

So here I am at the after party talking food and wine with some peeps.
I tell them about this Winewench chick and all the great food/wine stuff she posts what comes up on the screen? Pictures of dead shrimp that’s all just pictures of dead shrimp. And they don’t even appear to be pre-marinated.
I mean WTF ?


10 Linsey May 9, 2010

Put that one under the heading of demons of the food world – expensive (well they are here)food product being treat with utter disrespect to the extent that they are covered with ice crystals and frost bitten. Rather than the delight of your marinaded shrimp that is a pleasure to all…


11 Katie Pizzuto May 10, 2010

@Mike….if you visited MORE OFTEN you’d enjoy something more than the occasional “Wordless Wednesday”….just saying…

@Linsey…you ain’t kidding! What they did to those shrimp is a sin.


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